This Muscadet, generous and full of minerality, rhymes with bonhomie as it adapts to any moment of the day, whether festive or not. In addition, aging on the lees (the natural deposit after the alcoholic fermentation) gives it pearliness and freshness. Time will bring various nuances of colour and aromatic power.
Grape variety : Melon de Bourgogne
Soil : Schist and Gabbro du Pallet
Serving temperature : de 9 à 11 °
Food pairing : Its « harmony » with fish and other seafood delicacies will make you believe that the waves of the ocean deposited it as a gift on our terroir. This Muscadet is renowned as an accompaniment to seafood, crustaceans and other fish, or can be served as a surprising aperitif.
To be consumed within two years, unless you enjoy vintages with the aromas of ageing; In this case, do not hesitate to hide it from the covetous.